Friday, October 3, 2014

Made it to Cabo!

We arrived at 4:30am under the cloak of darkness and it was as humid as can be outside. (See the photo of the condensation on our sliding door)  We sped up on our approach toward the port so that we could bypass a lightening storm that was approx 25 miles out. We waited at the fuel dock for it to open at 7:00, filled-up and then docked at a slip. I had first watch last night until 1:00, so I decided to sleep through the fueling extravaganza. The marina isn't full at all and in general the hurricane damage here isn't as bad as all of us were expecting. There is a tremendous police and military presence everywhere you turn which is a good thing. We saw a bunch of military helicopters circling the marina this morning, and it turns out that the president of Mexico was landing at the marina to show his appreciation for the first cruise ship to come back after the hurricane. We watched the Holland America pull up outside of the port, however the tourists look less than enthused to be here.  

Just a smidge of humidy here...And my new tropical "poodle" hair look is no bueno..ha!

Brad is checking out our navigation systems once we docked. 

Shameless selfie as the blowing rain was starting to pour down. 

Our new amigo Pancho who likes to hang out behind our boat.

A badly damaged racing sailboat. It looks like the parts are being salvaged and the hulll will sadly go to the scrap yard. 

An old boat on its side blown against the docks. 

The federales are out in force. 

It's pouring here in town..

Sid and Brad are soaked from the rain. 

Hurricane especiáles!

Marina docks gone askew.

Ruh ro!

Gangway to nowhere...

The Holland America shoreboats... I like to call them them the vomit buses! 

The local disco is open for business... Meow. 

A cement mixer flipped & crushed by the hurricane. 

So for dinner tonight... we booked a reservation at Flora Farms in San Jose del Cabo. (In the mountains of the local countryside) Definitely risky in a rainstorm as it's an outdoor (some indoor tables) farm to table experience on a very rural dirt road which is at best dubious on a  good day. We've been here before and it's truly fabulous! However, after they confirmed our reservation we took a taxi which was 40 minutes travel time to get there. When we arrived it was clear that we were the only gringos there and that they were closed. Who knows how that "kerfuffle" happened. 
This is the road to get there... Always an adventure! 
 Once we realized that we needed a new spot for din din, we opted for a perennial favorite.. Edith's in Cabo! They had just opened 3 days ago since the hurricane and low and behold... We were the only customers there! And what a staff they had for us.. At least 25 wonderful peeps with nothing to do. We did stir up our own fun of course.. And the food was beyond delicious! They wanted to know how we got here since the airport is closed and there weren't any other gringos around...

I was stirring up trouble in the kitchen...with my very own chef hat! 

Oh...and at the grill! 

Brad serenaded me with one of our fave mariachi songs while Sid squirmed uncomfortably.. Hahaaaa! 

You can view it live here...

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