There we are at the end of the dock in Scrub Island. Happy as can be!
Mark & Kim went for a cruise before we headed
out on our next island hop to The Bitter End.
Soon we were swiftly underway...

Out cruising what do I spot? It's one of those yacht SLIDES! These are awesome and look super fun!! It's a giant inflatable water slide...the only thing is you need to have a TON of room to store it.

Kim had fun sitting in the pilot house while underway and checking the latest news nuggets...

We soon anchored out...

We arrived to...dun, dun, dun
The Bitter End Yacht Club!

The Bitter End is anything but bitter, and accessible only by sea...
like most of these islands. You would have to fly into Tortola & take
a ferry here if you didn't want to cruise under your own sail. It looked like s
uch a special place and one that we would all enjoy!
like most of these islands. You would have to fly into Tortola & take
a ferry here if you didn't want to cruise under your own sail. It looked like s
uch a special place and one that we would all enjoy!
Here's an aerial view to give you a better idea...
Can't wait to take one of these babies for a spin!
This is the "tugboat" we passed heading to shore. lol!

Can you spot the catamaran on the side of it hanging from the davit?

Kim & I were psyched to check everything out..
Beautiful blue water as far as you could see...

Checking in at the Quarterdeck Club.

The handpainted signage everywhere was adorbs!
This place certainly had a lot to offer.

I also spotted the "Florida trend" of putting ones "boat sticker" everywhere & anywhere.

We don't subscribe to this trend, however found this little nugget to be quite hilarious!
We all made our way to lunch and the resort wasn't busy at all since it was early in the season..

I bet this will have an entirely different look & feel when we
head back to this spot during Christmas week.
head back to this spot during Christmas week.

I spotted a freighter carrying 2 cement trucks.
I never bothered to think how they transport these kinds of materials to and 'fro...impressive.

Ah...the rainbow chairs!

This hammock had Brads name all over it.

And then he claimed it for his own with such grace!

So idyllic...

You can enjoy the skill of local artisans all around the island.

Just goofing off with my spirit animal...

This is the sailing school at the BEYC.

Laser sailboats at the ready.

Paddleboards too

Brad navigated us around the islands sights as he'd been
here before and knew the lay of the land...
here before and knew the lay of the land...

Mark expertly handled the dingy departure...

token art shot..

It was starting to of those fun experiences that randomly occur here in the Caribbean.

That night we had more large tarpon fish behind our boat than we had ever seen.
They were rapaciously feeding on some baby fish that were attracted to our underwater lights.

We all spotted this jellyfish. There are moon jellies here who are harmless,
and then also "box" jellies which you don't want to do a meet n' greet with.
and then also "box" jellies which you don't want to do a meet n' greet with.
We were all up early the next morning and I snapped this photo nugget of the sunrise.

Mark & Kim had to head home that day, and we were sad to see them go!!
Brad escorted them to the airport via dingy.
Brad escorted them to the airport via dingy.
There was a dock right at the convenient!

And away they go...

Brad and I then decided to make the most of our day &
cruised back over to Peter Island for lunch & a swim.
cruised back over to Peter Island for lunch & a swim.

This place is so far one of my absolute faves!
Sea grapes anyone?
Sea grapes anyone?

I had a new friend I met while I hung out on the beach...he was quite shy though.

Until he decided to be brave and come "out of his shell"....

We headed back to Nanny Cay late that afternoon and enjoyed a fantastic
meal that night at the marina restaurant with Bish.
meal that night at the marina restaurant with Bish.

We were planning to leave the next day since our guests had to
head back early, which meant more time to be had for Christmas festivites!
head back early, which meant more time to be had for Christmas festivites!
All kidding aside, I wish you and your fam a very MERRY CHRISTMAS
And may visions of sugarplums dance in your heads...
Please don't forget the reason for the season and may we all take a minute to count our blessings!
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