Saturday, November 15, 2014

Tapachula, Mexico

Departing Mexico City and flying over.. Air quality here was SO much better than the last time I visited this city about 10 years ago. Even the buildings outside the city are more colorful. 

The Tapachula airport. We were the only jet here on the ground...Ha!

I asked the airport guard in Spanish if we could take a photo with him (this was after I caught him looking at a girls butt as she walked by.. Haha!) he sheepishly agreed and was bashful as ever! You'd think the machine gun he was carrying would give him more confidence!

Arrival at the marina in Chiapas.. 
This is an aerial perspective of the marina courtesy of our onboard radar.. Can you spot the cartoon like image of our boat? Yes, it looks like we are moored in the middle of a jungle, but it's actually a small marina. This is because the marina was built a few years ago and obviously they haven't updated the radar mapping. Only in Mexico!
I was looking around for any stray crocs, but soon learned they weren't in these waters. Phew! However, little bat rays are everywhere! Such fun to watch... they are memorizing. These little critters of the sea like to jump out of the water when you least expect it. I love you Mother Nature! 
Dusk in Puerto Chiapas. That palapa home across the bay is the marina restaurant we had dinner at. Oodles of bugs were out in force, but our trusty bug spray kept them at bay. 
The day after our arrival Brad had a special surprise planned for the day. We all had no clue what was in store, but we piled in our rental van and headed for the hills. After an hour an a half drive, we ended up at a gorgeous coffee plantation in the hills of the jungle. It was actually an eco resort called Argovia. This is the link if you want to check it out.. It will have much more info than what I can type on this it will take me forever to upload it all.

And if the British think of their tea as porn, imagine what the Mexicans think of their coffee. HA!
This is a beautiful church in the center of Tapachula. Religion is quite dominant as you'd imagine, however we were surprised to learn that it's not just Catholicism that is prevalent. Protestants are extremely popular with the locals as are the Adventists! We even spotted some nicely dressed Jehovah's Witnessed out spreading their good word.

This is the local Yamaha shop in the mountains...wowza!
And here is one locals laundry day...baking it in the hot sun. 
 The entrance to the Argovia Finca Resort. Everything they produce is organic, from the coffee to their flowers that they raise. This place was extremely peaceful & gave you the feeling of being away from everything and as relaxed as can be!
Our friends Stacy, Mike, Kevin & Gael have joined us for this leg of our journey...We are in for some serious fun!!
 Stacy & I in our van en route to the coffee plantation...Brad is at the ready with a photo bomb...

The sweet golden retriever at the resort...peace out.
Our guide Alan, taught us everything about coffee and we were fascinated with it all.  
Who knew that there are 2 coffee beans per fruit! These are Arabica beans below...
And this stack is full of the shells of the beans that will be used for fertilizer & compost.
 Below is where the coffee is stored once it has been harvested and ready for commercial export. And yes, it's almost empty which is no bueno. They had a bad crop this year due to a fungus among us. 
 This is their only harvest since August. Luckily, they make a great profit with their resort accommodations as well as their floral farm. They have actually excavated some coffee plantings this year to grow more flowers. ..They alternate flowers & coffee depending on the harvest every year. 
 The entrance to their reception area...
 We walked over to their pool & wished we had worn our bathing suits.. I was ready for a cannonball!
 A little sassiness in the afternoon...

Captain Danny found his "namaste" in the form of a hammock siesta. 
It's so peaceful & beautiful here, that you can hear the toucans in the trees and running waterfalls off somewhere in the distance. 

Locals in front of their house on the roadside.

 And if you get hungry...nothing like a little finger lickin' chicken! Mmmm...


A family residence with open air living...I'd hate to see this city in the rainy season when they get their usual 24' of rain. Yes..I said 24 FEET OF RAIN (not inches) if you can believe!!

We are departing Mexico tomorrow and heading to Costa Rica. We should arrive there in 2 days.. Stay tuned for the next episode!

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